Leá Roghnach Lazer (SLM)
Is próiseas priontála 3D é Leá Laser Roghnach nó Comhleá Leaba Púdar Miotail a tháirgeann rudaí soladacha, ag úsáid foinse theirmeach chun comhleá a spreagadh idir cáithníní púdar miotail ciseal amháin ag an am.
Baineann an chuid is mó de theicneolaíochtaí Comhleá Leaba Púdar úsáid as meicníochtaí chun púdar a chur leis de réir mar a bhíonn an réad á thógáil, agus mar thoradh air sin tá an chomhpháirt dheiridh clúdaithe sa phúdar miotail. Tagann na príomh-éagsúlachtaí i dteicneolaíochtaí Comhleá Leaba Púdar miotail ó úsáid foinsí fuinnimh éagsúla; léasair nó bíomaí leictreon.
Cineálacha Teicneolaíochta Priontála 3D: Sintéiriú Léasair Miotail Díreach (DMLS); Leá Laser Roghnach (SLM); Leá Bhíoma Leictreon (EBM).
Ábhair: Púdar Miotail: Alúmanam, Cruach Dhosmálta, Tíotáiniam.
Cruinneas Toiseach: ± 0.1 mm.
Iarratais Choiteanna: Páirteanna feidhmiúla miotail (aeraspáis agus feithicleach); Leighis; Fiaclóireachta.
Láidreachtaí: Páirteanna feidhmiúla is láidre; Céimseata casta.
Laigí: Méideanna beaga tógála; An pointe praghais is airde de na teicneolaíochtaí go léir.
Leá Roghnach Lazer (SLM)
Is próiseas priontála 3D é Leá Laser Roghnach nó Comhleá Leaba Púdar Miotail a tháirgeann rudaí soladacha, ag úsáid foinse theirmeach chun comhleá a spreagadh idir cáithníní púdar miotail ciseal amháin ag an am.
Baineann an chuid is mó de theicneolaíochtaí Comhleá Leaba Púdar úsáid as meicníochtaí chun púdar a chur leis de réir mar a bhíonn an réad á thógáil, agus mar thoradh air sin tá an chomhpháirt dheiridh clúdaithe sa phúdar miotail. Tagann na príomh-éagsúlachtaí i dteicneolaíochtaí Comhleá Leaba Púdar miotail ó úsáid foinsí fuinnimh éagsúla; léasair nó bíomaí leictreon.
Cineálacha Teicneolaíochta Priontála 3D: Sintéiriú Léasair Miotail Díreach (DMLS); Leá Laser Roghnach (SLM); Leá Bhíoma Leictreon (EBM).
Ábhair: Púdar Miotail: Alúmanam, Cruach Dhosmálta, Tíotáiniam.
Cruinneas Toiseach: ± 0.1 mm.
Iarratais Choiteanna: Páirteanna feidhmiúla miotail (aeraspáis agus feithicleach); Leighis; Fiaclóireachta.
Láidreachtaí: Páirteanna feidhmiúla is láidre; Céimseata casta.
Laigí: Méideanna beaga tógála; An pointe praghais is airde de na teicneolaíochtaí go léir.
Leá Roghnach Lazer (SLM)
Is próiseas priontála 3D é Leá Laser Roghnach nó Comhleá Leaba Púdar Miotail a tháirgeann rudaí soladacha, ag úsáid foinse theirmeach chun comhleá a spreagadh idir cáithníní púdar miotail ciseal amháin ag an am.
Baineann an chuid is mó de theicneolaíochtaí Comhleá Leaba Púdar úsáid as meicníochtaí chun púdar a chur leis de réir mar a bhíonn an réad á thógáil, agus mar thoradh air sin tá an chomhpháirt dheiridh clúdaithe sa phúdar miotail. Tagann na príomh-éagsúlachtaí i dteicneolaíochtaí Comhleá Leaba Púdar miotail ó úsáid foinsí fuinnimh éagsúla; léasair nó bíomaí leictreon.
Cineálacha Teicneolaíochta Priontála 3D: Sintéiriú Léasair Miotail Díreach (DMLS); Leá Laser Roghnach (SLM); Leá Bhíoma Leictreon (EBM).
Ábhair: Púdar Miotail: Alúmanam, Cruach Dhosmálta, Tíotáiniam.
Cruinneas Toiseach: ± 0.1 mm.
Iarratais Choiteanna: Páirteanna feidhmiúla miotail (aeraspáis agus feithicleach); Leighis; Fiaclóireachta.
Láidreachtaí: Páirteanna feidhmiúla is láidre; Céimseata casta.
Laigí: Méideanna beaga tógála; An pointe praghais is airde de na teicneolaíochtaí go léir.
At Forcyst, we consider the significance of firmware (software) in the working of any IoT products at its full potential. Our firmware team will understand and assist you on your IoT product performance by implementing a secured and robust firmware/software that meets your particular prerequisites. Our technical team and programming team works closely with you to figure out your requirements and formulate modified arrangements that are need for your IoT applications.
Our Firmware Improvement Administrations include:
Embedded Firmware Development: Our team will assist you in creating programmable codes that are must for your IoT application. We'll work with you to integrate sensors, processors, and different parts into a solitary, smaller gadget that meets your particular necessities.
IoT Protocols and Network: Our team will assist you for creating firmware that is viable and compatible for different types of IoT Protocols and Network, including Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Zigbee, and others. We'll work with you to guarantee that your firmware upholds the network choices that are mean quite a bit to your IoT application.
Gadget Security: Our team will assist you with creating firmware that is secure, solid, and safe from any unwanted alteration. We'll work with you to execute encryption, confirmation, and other safety efforts to guarantee that your gadget is shielded from hacking and other security dangers.
Gadget Management: Our device management team will assist you with creating firmware that is quite easy to use and smooth in operation. We'll work with you to execute the full capabilities of the device, for example, over-the-air refreshes, firmware forming, and device monitoring, to guarantee that your gadget is consistently and working appropriately.
Debugging and Troubleshooting: Our team will help you to debug and troubleshoot your firmware to guarantee that it is dependable, stable, and performs ideally. We'll work with you to identify and resolve any issues that emerge and will provide you options for upgrades to your firmware for future versions.
At Forcyst, we invest heavily in creating a highly dependable yet unique tailor-made secure firmware/software solutions that meet the necessities of our clients.
Reach us today to know more and in dept of our firmware/software capabilities and how we can assist and fulfill all your IoT requirements with one-stop solution.
We provide the software development services at any stage and can take up product at mid-stage up to final stage of production.
What the concept may be, we assure that we take up the project and provide end to end solutions from Software Designing to Application Development and cloud services. Contact us now to know more about us or for any queries.